Benefits, Limitations and Risks

There are several advantages and disadvantages of genetic testingThe analysis of DNA and chromosomes for clinical purposes; can name and tell you if there are genes that are likely to be linked to unhealthy outcomes and illnesses.. It is important that you review each before making the decision if genetic testing is right for you. In other words, you should know what a genetic test can and cannot tell you.

Disadvantages of Genetic Testing


Advantages of Genetic Testing


Risks of Genetic Testing

Making the decision to find out about your chance for developing breast cancer may be difficult. It is important to understand what genetic risk is and how it may affect you.

Only you can determine if genetic testing is the right option for you. Genetic counselorsHealth professional with specialized degrees and experience in the area of medical genetics and counseling. Her job is to help patients decide if they want to get genetic testing., doctors and other health professionals can answer your questions and help you think through your options. To learn more about common questions related to confidentiality and insurance issues, please see the Visiting A Cancer Genetics Clinic section of this site.