Genes & DNA


Each chromosome contains smaller units known as genes, which are ordered the same way in all humans.

DNA Two StrandsDNA Linked

DNA is the chemical that makes up your genes. The DNA has two strands linked by bonds, much like rungs on a ladder. The chemical bonds fit together in a specific pattern, like pieces of a puzzle. DNA contains the genetic instructions for the body to develop and function. DNA instructions are like a recipe for making a person.


The puzzle pieces are called nucleotides (new-klee-o-tides). There are four different kinds of nucleotides: A, C, T, and G.

DNA Puzzle Pieces

Pairs of puzzle pieces line up to form a ladder. The ladder is then tightly twisted into what's called a helix. The helix is twisted even more into a coil to form a chromosome.

DNA LadderHelixHelix Forming Chromosome
A strand of DNA that holds hereditary information.
Functional units of DNA.
The molecule in our cells passed on from parents to children.
A force that holds molecules together, similar to a magnet.
The four building blocks of DNA _ A, T, G, and C.
A spiral shape.